0481-254 7400, 7402, 2259, 4659, 5659, 4959, 9400747400, 9447125659 info@stage2.toms.ac.in

Internal Complaints Committee

As per section IV AICTE (Gender Sensitization, prevention and Prohibition of Sexual Harassment of woman employees and students and the redressal of grievances in Technical Institutions) regulation 2016, committee consisting of the following is reconstituted on 01.02.2017 at Toms College of Engineering for Startups for preventing unfair practice and to ensure safety and security of the girl students and other women employees. The committee will act as a dedicated task force which can constantly monitor the existing (security) arrangements and suggest additional security measures to be put in place.

Name and DesignationStatus in the committeeContact No.
1Devi. S, Asst. Professor, EEE.Chairperson9946639083
2Lidiya Zacharia, Asst. Professor, Basic Science.Secretary9495682896
3Remya P.V, Office Staff.Member9961310461
4Manju Mohan, Office Staff.Member9539994753
5Teresa Sunny, Asst. Professor, Civil.Member8714826394
6Alins Varghese, Asst. Professor, Basic Science.Member9745115084
7Ann Many Mathew, Asst. Professor, Civil.Member9446928964
8Sangeetha P.S., Asst. professor, Basic Science.Member8289855439
9Remya Jose, Asst. Professor, Computer Science.Member9496541008
10Pushpamma K.S Warden, Girls HostelMember8086510548