0481-254 7400, 7402, 2259, 4659, 5659, 4959, 9400747400, 9447125659 info@stage2.toms.ac.in

SC/ ST Cell

As per the scheduled caste or scheduled tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 No. 33 of 1989 dated 11/03/1989, committee consisting of the following is reconstituted on 15/03/2017 to promote the special interest of students in the reserved category. It is also expected to provide special inputs in areas where the students experience difficulties. The following are the members in the committee.

Name and DesignationStatus in the CommitteeContact No.
1Dr. Paul A JChairman9447390891
2M.J Joseph, Accounts OfficerLaison Officer9526960165
3Shiney Jaison, Assistant Accounts OfficerCo-Ordinator9495277699
4Aneesh G LibrarianMember - Open (Male)9846132569
5Amrutha Raman, Asst. Prof. CE.Member - Open (Female)9495019863
6Jince P. Mathew, Asst. Prof. ME.Member - Open (Male)9037807350
7Amal Raj T.M, S6, ME. Dept. Student.Students Representative9946339640
8Dona Lavanya R, S6, CE. Dept. Student.Students Representative9447222646

Register complaints for caste based discrimination